Friday, April 24, 2009

Fun days out on the town

My Very Dear Friend Pat that I am missing oh so much! Out to see the world, Donna, Pat and . . Me

Notice how these buildings are kind of twisted from section to section

My very bronzed friends

I like the different types of roof tops


Lindsey Carney said...

Great Pics! Where is Mrs. Pat?

Jeana said...

Great pictures! You look darling in the picture where you are wearing the hat (with your bronze friends). Thanks for sharing!!! bsly

Pat Barrett said...

I'm replaced so quickly! Ahh but your new bronze friends can't give you great big hugs and say I love you.

Grammy Sue said...

Looking at the dates of your post, you don't post very often. Well neither do I. If you want to see my blog it is If you get time comment so I know what you think. It is fun to see you on the blog. Take care and Happy Mother's Day.